New Year, New Opportunities

Hi Lovelies!Hope you had a great New Years Eve :) Mine was great and I was lucky to celebrate it with my man and friends. When the new Year arrives I think it's always a good idea to think of how the past have been, the obstacles I have meet as well as concurred, the mistakes I have made as well as learnt from and the most important thing the happy moments. Not all years are great, some are better than others and some are more challenging. The past year was my first whole year back in Sweden after living 6 years in Barcelona. It has had its ups and downs and many days I miss my old city, life, friends and most of all my husband that still lives there. This year has been challenging as we are living apart, which is very difficult as you want to be near your loved ones everyday. Even though we still have some time left before he moves to Sweden you learn how to appreciate each other the time you have together as well as its a roller coaster of emotions. 2016 has been good, but I think that 2017 will be better. I will start a new position at work, which I'm really looking forward to. It will be one year closer to having my husband here and it will be a year where I know I will learn a whole lot as well as encounter many challenges. I wish you a great start of the new year and don't forget to appreciate what you have.
Love / Isabella

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